We have been on the market for over 25 years
Anna Maląg
- 1976 - M.Sc. Eng. Arch. Diploma from the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Gdańsk University of Technology
The topic of the thesis: "Experimental Theatre in Gdansk". (honorary PG diploma). Promotor – Prof. Józef Chmiel - 1980 – Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts - Faculty of Interior Design in Warsaw.
The theme of the diploma work - Interiors of the Polskie Nagrania salon in Warsaw. - 1988 - obtaining Building License No. ST - 390/88.
- 1994 - Owner of "MAAG", a company specialising in the design of cultural buildings.
- 1987 - Member of the Polish Centre of the International Organisation of Stage Directors, Technicians and Theatre Architects (OISTAT).
- 1989 - Participation in the organisation of the exhibition "Disappearing Occupations in Theatre" during the 8th International OISTAT Congress in Warsaw.
- 1990 - Participated in the organisation of the OISTAT Seminar "People with Disabilities in Cultural Facilities" in Katowice. Participation in the work of a team preparing an amendment to the Building Law taking into account the needs of disabled people in cultural facilities.
- 2001 - commissioner of the exhibition of projects and realisations of theatre architecture in Poland during the OISTAT Symposium "Sound, Image and Light in a Show" in the Grand Theatre in Warsaw.
- 1978 - Member of the Association of Polish Architects (SARP)
- 1980 - Member of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers (ZPAP)
- 2002 - Member of "Mazovian Regional Chamber of Architects - No MA-0498
- 2019 - commissioner of the exhibition of projects and realizations of theatre architecture in Poland during the OISTAT Symposium "Sound Image and Light in Performance" at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Marta Maląg
- 1995 -1999 - XXXIV Secondary School of Miguel de Cervantes - class with visual arts profile
- September 2006 - graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Silesian University of Technology (full-time studies)
with the degree of M.Sc. Eng. Arch. - July 2005 - July 2009 - Work and professional practice in the architectural office "MAAG S.C."
- September 2009 - June 2010. - Professional practice in the construction company "INSTAL BIAŁYSTOK S.A."
November 2010 - March 2011r. - Professional practice in the company of conservation of monuments "TRANSFER ART-SYSTEM" - July 2010. - November 2010, March 2011 - December 2011. - Work in architectural office "MAAG S.C."
- since January 2012. - owner of the "mm.studio" architecture design office
- June 2019 - obtained Building License
Andrzej Maląg
- Graduated in 1974 from the Faculty of Electronics, Gdansk University of Technology,
- doctorate (1983) and habilitation (2004) at the Institute of Electron Technology (ITE) in Warsaw in the field of semiconductor optoelectronics.
- Professional interest in the design, construction and technology of semiconductor lasers pursued at ITE and then as a researcher, then as head of the Department of Optoelectronics at the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME).
- Completion of scientific activities from 2019.
- Interest in painting: always, starting, in her young years, at the Art Studio of the Youth Palace in Szczecin, then in the form of amateur creation.
- In 2001, a student at the European Academy of Arts in Warsaw, but for a very short time due to difficulties in reconciling his professional and student obligations.
- Current - activation in the field of artistic activities, among others in connection with previous experience in the field of optics.
Scope of activity
architectural-construction projects
interior design, commercial furniture
theatre technology projects
author's supervision
agreement and approval of technical documentation
Types of investment
public buildings - theatres, cinemas, community centres, museums
office and industrial buildings
collective housing (hotels) and health care facilities
housing construction
Association of Polish Architects SARP
Union of Polish Artists ZPAP
OISTAT (International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Technicians and Architect)