The Missionary and Ethnographic Museum in Pieniężno
completion date:
2015 – 2019 r.
A conceptual, building and execution design of extension, reconstruction and renovation of the Missionary and Ethnographic Museum together with the entire Monastery building in Pieniężno has been prepared.
A new exhibition arrangement and a new Cinema Hall at basement level, a new Temporary Exhibition Hall and a new Theatre and Conference Hall on the first floor were designed.
Project authors:
arch. Anna Maląg
arch. Marta Maląg
Ewa Więckowska Kosmala
Magda Czechowska
Theatre Technology:
arch. Zbigniew Kośka
The company „MAAG” jest współautorem wszystkich projektów w zakresie Technologii Teatralnej.
The project is made in BIM technology
Exhibition Scenario:
Prof. Anna Nadolska-Styczyńska
Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Exhibition arrangement design:
ASC STUDIO Anna Skołożyńska-Cieciera
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw